Our Mission

Standing out standing together.


Exceptional achievement stems from developing world class teaching and learning. Creativity is the core of our values. Our staff are amazing, in both the relationships they forge and the incredible range of opportunities they make possible. We get great results, but we give and expect so much more. We are shaping a generation of future global citizens with the character they need to succeed; with the integrity and commitment to excellence that will enable them to thrive.

We stand strong together, but preserve our distinct identities. Together, we support and empower each other to become leading schools with confident, principled and successful students.

We strive to deliver world class education by cherishing our staff and enabling them to thrive. We embody our values and a positive mind-set that insists all students make excellent progress.

Ultimately, we are guided by a shared commitment to creating magical learning experiences and a belief that every student can achieve great things.

Our core principles

  • We set uncompromising high standards and expectations of our staff and students. We provide so much but demand excellence at all times in return. Whether this be in the quality of a letter home or the experience of  our open evenings,  ‘good enough’ is simply not accepted. By providing clear procedures, effective systems and real expertise to support and challenge our schools, excellent performance is sustained and individual talent is developed.

  • We recognise that our most valuable resource is our people. We want to make our schools places where great teachers and staff want to teach, work, lead and build successful careers. Investment in the recruitment, induction, development, benefits, support and training for our staff is our top priority.

  • Our students are the lifeblood of our schools. Adults work tirelessly to implement the best possible curriculum for our children supplemented with the largest range of positive experiences that truly shape and develop them.

    In return, our fine young people act as role models and leaders at every opportunity they possibly can. They are passionate ambassadors for our schools and burst with pride when they represent us. As student leaders they help our schools improve by participating articulately and confidently in a wealth of positive forums. They have the ability to communicate with each other, between schools and learn from each other's skills and initiatives. Their achievement and success is paramount.

  • Character education is fundamental to our success. The virtues that enable students to become fully rounded global citizens who go on to be successful in life can be difficult to navigate and to truly embed. Learning these is often individual, subtle and reflective. This is why reading high quality texts is a key facilitator of deep learning and why we commit to being ‘reading schools’. There are no shortcuts to building cultural capital. Providing a rich array of culturally diverse opportunities enables children and young people to understand themselves, explore their passions, enjoy life and develop their true personality. This is how we ensure our students embody our values and develop the confidence and the zest for life that enables them to thrive.

  • Our schools are accountable to our communities. All levels of governance are responsible for ensuring our executive leaders and school leaders capture and explain every key piece of information that demonstrates how successful we are and exactly where improvement is required.  All our quality assurance mechanisms must ensure absolute transparency to withstand the highest levels of external scrutiny and accountability nationally.

  • We are immensely proud of the accomplishments of our students and staff. They deserve to work and study in the best environments possible and with the tools and technology they need to do an amazing job. All technical barriers to collaboration and innovation should be removed. Our buildings and facilities need to be maintained to the highest standards so they are safe, secure and vibrant physical proclamations of our values, standards and accomplishments. They need to be developed to keep pace with rapid change in a modern world and so they reflect our first principle of excellence everywhere.

  • It seems counter intuitive that operating effectively as one large organisation enhances each individual school's uniqueness. But it does. By having simple and effective trust wide systems and procedures in place reduces the demands on individual staff workload. Key leaders then have the confidence and time to get creative so their schools feel unique. Successful innovations can be shared openly with all our schools and beyond.

    We take collective responsibility for each other whether that be sharing what works or supporting through challenges, because every student, every staff member and every outcome matters. Open, agile and performance focused collaboration ensures fast paced change and is the key to success. We are stronger as one. We are one big school.

    Standing out, standing together!

We believe every student can achieve great things.