David Heywood headshot

David Heywood


David joined the Trust in July 2022.

David is the Principal of Calderdale Music, the Lead Organisation for the Calderdale Music Education Hub, and part of the Core Consortium Group for Calderdale’s Local Cultural Education Partnership. David spent almost 20 years working in secondary education settings in a number of schools across Greater Manchester and Lancashire. David joined Calderdale Music in January 2019 as the Deputy Director before taking up the role of Principal in June 2020. Since joining Calderdale Music, the organisation has recorded a significant improvement in performance moving from one of the lowest performing Music Education Hubs in England to performing above the National Average in almost all areas of provision, transitioned from a self-employed to an employed model for staff, undertaken a full relocation to The Old Courthouse which involved a complete modernisation and refurbishment of the premises and implemented an organisation wide rebranding exercise. David is still an active musician and takes great enjoyment in playing the drums and piano. He is also a regular performer in a number of bands around the North of England.


Jonathan Gascoigne


Carol Kitson