Liz Woodfield Headshot

Liz Woodfield


Alongside the Headteachers at Bolton Brow, Netherton Infants & Nursery and Ryburn Valley High, and Honley High School, Liz is one of the founders of Together Learning Trust and has been part of the Executive Leadership Team since its inception.  Liz has been a senior leader within Kirklees for seventeen years and has led Meltham Moor Primary School as Headteacher from September 2014. 


Liz is committed to encouraging and nurturing the growth of children and adults with enquiring minds who can reason and make decisions; people who are independent yet caring and considerate, skilful but respectful of themselves and others. She believes in developing the whole child whilst achieving high academic standards through a values centred curriculum. The whole school community endeavours to ensure that every child achieves their best personally, socially and academically.


Liz is proud to be one of the founding members of the Together Learning Trust and believes that the support that schools can provide each other cannot be underestimated. Being part of the Together Learning Trust enables schools to continue to flourish and develop within a supportive school focused community, where the expertise of those who have a hands on understanding of our children will lead the way forward.


Emma Barker


Carol Evans