Stephanie Hansom


Stephanie trained as a Science teacher with Chemistry specialism and worked in a diverse comprehensive school in Oldham for a very enjoyable 10 years, prior to joining Honley High School in 2019 as Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for Teaching and Learning.

With a passion for supporting students to enjoy learning successfully, Stephanie has been involved with teacher induction, professional development and growing excellence in teams since early in her career. She has a keen interest in educational research, having secured a First in a Masters in Educational Leadership in 2018 and continues to keep a keen eye on publications and reports to ensure that practices in our schools are research informed and of the highest quality. Her big interests are metacognition and self-regulation and the expert role educators have in translating the beautiful stories of their subjects to students.

The appreciation for effective leadership and collaboration is at the forefront of Stephanie’s practice, believing that it is our moral purpose to spread outstanding pedagogies and develop all others, from individual students and members of staff to whole institutions.

Stephanie is a facilitator for the NPQLTD and Early Career Framework through the Calderdale and Kirklees Teaching School Hub and Ambition Institute, is an SLE and a qualified Advanced Skills Teacher.


Natalie Parkinson


Fiona Thompson